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Summer Eye Care Questions

Summer Eye Care Questions

The pollen is being washed away and signs of summertime are popping up all around us. From stocking up on pool toys to booking that summer getaway, there is a lot to do to get ready for summer.

Along with the typical preparations, it is also important we consider the ways summer impacts how we keep our eyes healthy. While most of us will focus on protecting our skin from being sunburned this summer, let’s not forget that our eyes are also at risk and summer eye care is equally important.

Simple Protection Goes a Long Way to Keeping Eyes Healthy

Some of us may be tempted to leave the sunglasses in their holder on cloudy days, however, this is a mistake that should be avoided. While overcast days may feel less sunny, that is not the case for your eyes. Harmful UV rays cut through the clouds and are reflected off other surfaces into your eyes. Sunglasses should be worn at all times when outdoors.

Also, while some brands of contact lens do offer protection against UV light, they do not cover the entire eye like sunglasses do. Therefore, it is best to wear sunglasses even with a pair of UV blocking contact lens. It is possible for eyes to get sunburned if unprotected.

When heading to the neighborhood pool this summer, many families will wonder if they really need to include goggles in their pool toy bag. The answer is yes! Wearing goggles while swimming in the pool will protect children’s eyes from being exposed to chlorine and other foreign chemicals.

Summer Means More Time Outdoors and More Risks to your Eyes

There are several other ways to keep your eyes and vision healthy this summer, which include:

  • Administer OTC artificial tear eye drops and a cool compress to counter the effects of allergies while enjoying the outdoors this summer.
  • Purchase sunglasses that provide 100% UV-A and UV-B protection.
  • Wear certified eye protection when playing high velocity sports and doing yard work.
  • Use back to school sales as a reminder to schedule a comprehensive eye exam for the scholars in your household.

When you have questions about summer eye care and how to best care for your eyes in any season, contact the friendly and knowledgeable professionals at Palmetto Eye & Laser Center. Call Palmetto Eye & Laser Center at 864-583-6381 or begin scheduling your comprehensive eye exam online today.