Our Blog

  • Treatment of Floaters

    Treatment of Floaters

    Most eye floaters occur as part of the natural aging process. Floaters are rarely troublesome enough to cause additional problems – unless they are a symptom of a more serious condition. Though they will never fully disappear, they often improve over the course of a few weeks or months. Most ...

  • Dry Eye Syndrome

    Dry Eye Syndrome

    A healthy eye is hydrated by a film of tears. However, those who suffer from dry eye syndrome do not produce enough quality tears to keep the surface of the eye sufficiently moist throughout the day. The result is an irritated eye that may affect vision, and if left untreated, ...

  • What Causes Retinal Tears and Detachments?

    What Causes Retinal Tears and Detachments?

    Retinal tears and detachments occur when the retina (the inner lining of the eye) is damaged. The retina is the thin layer of light-sensing nerve cells lining the inside back of your eye. It converts light rays into signals which are sent through the optic nerve to your brain where ...

  • Blepharitis


    Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids. If you suffer from blepharitis, you may experience any of the following symptoms: Watery eyes Eyes are red Sensations in the eye of grittiness and burning Eyelids look greasy Itchy eyelids Swollen, red eyelids Skin around the eyes is flaking Crusted eyelashes Light ...