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Healthy Aging Month

Healthy Aging Month

September is Healthy Aging Month

We don’t have to just let age happen to us. Instead, there are ways to be intentional when it comes to aging well. The month of September was designated as part of the Healthy Aging Month, a campaign to help us understand the benefits of focusing on our health more and more as we grow older.

When individuals are more aware of their physical and mental health, aging can be something to appreciate rather than something to avoid. A big part of aging in a healthy manner has to do with our eyes. One out of every six Americans who are age 65 and older have a vision impairment that cannot be corrected with glasses or contact lenses.

Medical experts know that the risk of eye disease increases with age, but many older adults neglect to see an ophthalmologist regularly. The American Academy of Ophthalmology is focusing on Healthy Aging Month to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of vision loss, along with helping seniors take better care of their eye health.

Regular Exams are the #1 Way to Maintain Eye Health

As we age, eye exams become even more important. In fact, according to Bausch + Lomb, even the healthiest individual over 60 years old should have an eye exam every single year. For those with existing conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or a family history of eye disease, an annual check-up is of even greater importance.

Unlike a hip or knee, your eyes cannot be replaced. Regular eye exams are an easy and simple way to prevent eye conditions that tend to accompany age. Some of these conditions include cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic eye disease.

Regular Exams Allow for Early Detection

As with any medical condition, the earlier an issue is detected, the better. Glaucoma is especially damaging to the optic nerve and those who suffer from glaucoma often do not experience symptoms until it is too late. An eye exam, however, can help detect signs of the disease before irreparable damage occurs.

Eye exams are comprehensive which is what allows problems to be diagnosed early. A full glaucoma exam looks at the inner eye pressure, the shape of the optic nerve, field of vision, angle of the iris, and thickness of the cornea. The many different tests make it easy to understand the importance of seeing an ophthalmologist in order to maintain optimal health as we age.

Our team of doctors at Palmetto Eye & Laser Center are experienced in treating patients of all ages. Call Palmetto Eye & Laser Center at 864-583-6381 or use our online contact form to request more information on healthy aging when it comes to your vision.