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Healthy Aging Month

Healthy Aging Month

When it comes to aging in a healthy manner, many people probably think of cardiovascular issues or finding the right cocktail of medications to address issues that may arise as we age. One issue, however, is often forgotten but it is just as important as all the others which is why we are recognizing healthy aging month.

Our quality of life is very much determined by this specific concern and our ability to enjoy time with family or friends later in life is a choice that requires its focus. When it comes to Americans who are 65 years and older, nearly 1 in 6 have a vision impairment that requires more than just corrective glasses or lenses.

September is Healthy Aging Month and this September is a great time to be intentional around ensuring the best eye health for all who are aging. Eye disease becomes much more prevalent as we age and the need for being under the care of a trusted ophthalmologist becomes vital.

Time Cannot Stand Still

Ask any American advanced in years and they will tell you—aging sneaks up on you! For many of us, it feels like just yesterday we were entering into adulthood. Then—all of a sudden—we are grandparents.

It really does feel as though time speeds up as we go. As much as we wish we could slow it down and handle everything that we need to prioritize, the years just seem to get away from us again and again.

Unfortunately, due to this reality, many aging Americans are too busy living to be as up to date with their healthcare as is necessary.

Eye Concerns Increase as Americans Age

There are some easy steps that seniors can take in order to care for their vision and eye health. With some planning and purpose, aging Americans can take advantage of the resources available to them in order to keep their health front and center.

From presbyopia and glaucoma to dry eyes and age-related macular degeneration—the list of potential eye concerns as we age is long. However, don’t let these eye-related matters cause you to be disheartened.

Instead, get motivated to maintain your sight and celebrate Healthy Aging Month this year by scheduling an eye examination at Palmetto Eye & Laser Center. Call Palmetto Eye & Laser Center at 864-583-6381 or get in touch online to schedule an appointment today!