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Common LASIK Questions Answered

Common LASIK Questions Answered

People still feel that LASIK surgery is a recent innovation, but nothing could be further from the truth. LASIK surgery was first performed in 1991, since then nearly 8 million people in the United States have undergone LASIK surgery.

Despite LASIK being almost 30 years old, many people still have very little idea of what LASIK surgery involves, and how it can help them with their vision problems. Here are a few of the most common LASIK questions answered.

Answers to Common LASIK Questions

What does LASIK actually stand for?

The acronym LASIK stands for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis. The term keratomileuses means ‘corneal reshaping’ and ‘in situ’ means ‘in the current situation’, meaning that the treatment takes place where the eyeball actually is and does not require it to be removed, operated upon and then returned!

What does corneal reshaping mean?

The cornea is the outermost part of the eye. It is transparent and covers the iris (colored part of the eye), pupil and interior of the eyeball. The cornea and lens work together to provide vision for the human brain.

Nearsightedness occurs when the eye grows too long and images focus just in front of the retina. Farsightedness occurs when the eye does not grow enough and images focus just behind the retina.

Both these vision problems are usually corrected by the use of artificial lenses which alter the focus of light. Since 1991 LASIK surgery has been available which involves surgically reshaping the cornea and altering the focal point of incoming images.

Does LASIK surgery hurt?

There is almost no pain during the procedure as eyedrops are used to numb the eyes. You may feel a little discomfort during and after surgery, but it will soon pass.

What happens if I blink?

Your eyelids are held open during the procedure, so you cannot blink nor close your eyes. You will not experience any discomfort though, as your eyes are kept moist.

How long will it take me to recover?

LASIK surgery is over ‘in the blink of an eye’ and you will not have to spend much time at all recovering in a surgery center. You will only need to rest your eyes for 24 hours. You will literally see the benefits immediately, and you will find that your vision will improve even more as your eyes heal.

If you are considering LASIK surgery, then please consider the expert services of the Palmetto Eye & Laser Center. With almost half a century’s experience, Dr. Haguewood, M.D. and his team can help rid you of the problems of nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatisms. We also have a LASIK Self Evaluation that you can take online. Contact us today at (864) 583-6831 or contact us via email.

Read more – What to Expect for Your Surgery