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Child’s Eyesight Problems

Child’s Eyesight Problems

With their inability to clearly communicate and signs of vision problems being attributed to other causes, spotting legitimate eye issues in children can be tricky. If you notice odd behavior or just increased frustration in your children, a lack of clear vision could be to blame.

Parents and teachers are tempted to blame poor performance at school on a lack of effort or intellectual capacity when the real culprit is the child’s eyesight. After all, we are very visual creatures, processing information based primarily on what we see. Nearly 65% of us are visual learners and almost 80% of what we learn is done so visually according to some experts.

Spot the Signs Early to Avoid Frustration Later

Becoming aware of issues with a child’s eyesight early on can save parents a lot of trouble later. Due to a child not being able to describe what they are experiencing to adults, we need to know what to look for so we can attribute behaviors to the right cause.

There are eye issues more associated with younger children than older adults. Some of the typical conditions a licensed ophthalmologist can diagnose include astigmatism, amblyopia, convergence insufficient, and strabismus.

Amblyopia is also commonly known as “lazy eye,” which leads to a decrease in vision in one eye and is often caused by astigmatism. Fortunately, with the proper treatment, irreversible vision loss can be avoided and clear vision can be achieved through correction.

Know What to Watch for in Children

Some tasks required for learning such as reading up close or following along with visuals at a distance are made difficult by many of these conditions. Through the use of temporary eye patches, customized eyewear, and even surgery, these ailments can often be corrected in a generally short amount of time.

All children blink frequently and wind up rubbing their eyes unconsciously even under normal circumstances. However, if you notice these behaviors at odd times or with increased regularity, it could mean the child is suffering from an issue with his or her vision.

Frequent headaches, holding reading materials especially close to their eyes or avoiding reading altogether, and a noticeably short attention span are all signs it might be time to have your child’s eyes examined. To book an eye exam with a board-certified ophthalmologist for your child, call Palmetto Eye & Laser Center at 864-583-6381 today.